Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Profit Prophet Has Arrived


I have returned from the depth of a personal hell, exorcising my inner demons in a small cave near Colombia and I return to you with a spiritual message--there is a Higher Power. I know, I felt it there as I spoke with the natives and broke bread with them. It was then I realized that this higher power would never let us all go completely bankrupt.

In fact, Financial Armageddon is upon us. And, it is peaceful. We won't feel it. It will be like Robert Redford in the "The Twilight Zone" when he played Mr. Death and touched the old lady's hand and she was dead but didn't even realize it.

Yes, it will not be easy but as we speak, a Profit Prophet has been sent to us and he--yes ladies, it is a he--will deliver us out from this evil economic crash brought on in the last 30 years with the idea that "Trickle-Down Economics" was somehow prosperous. Well, it was for about 30 years--for educated people from decent homes who were able to afford a decent education.

But now, we see the credit card tapped out. The money never trickled. The booms-and-busts were brought on by Republican presidents and, unfortunately, Democratic presidents as well.

But, we have hit the ceiling (get it). And now, the Republicans act like children painting themselves into a corner. The older children (hint--Democrats) are trying to play it tough but will they break when the Dow starts falling as it is today? Will they say they will go with the plan to give Obama the ability to raise the debt ceiling and move further with their silly games?

Okay. Seriously. Here we are. There's no turning back--only forward. Lives have been lost, families are out on the street, which has Carmageddon written all over them. It's no longer funny when men, women and children lead poverty stricken lives and we pretend not to see them with the hopes that we can get through five or10 more prosperous years. The same path of "Trickle-Down" politics will simply doom this country. That's a fact. The change is now.

As a journalist, I see now the machinations behind this change. It will not come fast and the market may even drop further before it does, but a plan is moving in place as we speak to correct the problem in the economy. Trust your higher power that this is taking place.

In Washington, D.C., the sun is shining today with a new hope for a revival toward economic prosperity. Trust me, trust your brothers and sisters around you that the times will get better and there will be a much more satisfying and prosperous socio-economic world. We look for a road to neighborhoods where all neighbors unite for their communities; we look for a world where prejudice no longer exists and man is helping man.

And, by the way, I'm not talking about hands, touching hands, singing kumbaya and selling Coca-Cola as we saw in that cheesy 1970s commercial. I'm talking about connecting with others, face-to-face and communicating our ideas through each other. We do it now through social media--let's do it in the real world--for as long as we have it left.

If I sound like a preacher on his soapbox, I am, because I've found my higher power. Have you?

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